CompoStar Organic Fruiting System for LanzonesAugust 26, 2017
Bringing Lanzones Back Into a Fruiting Cycle Bio-Agritech Inc. is a progressive Agro-technology company based in the Philippines. They maintain a holistic and organic approach to farming and aim to improve soil conditions to help to resuscitate their decimated Lanzones fruit tree plantations. Bio-Agritech has been conducting a 6...
Visitors And GuestsJuly 11, 2017
Many people want to see and learn how to do our rehabilitation process. So they visit our demo farm. Fertilizer And Pesticide Authority Provincial Officer Mr. Romulo N. Crucillo visited and inspected Bio-Agritechnology, Inc. Demo Farm Lanzones Rehabilitation last June 17, 2017. Mr. Dan Lomarda together with Mr....
Soil Rehabilitation of Lanzones PresentationJuly 1, 2017
Rehabilitating The Lanzones Industry in An Organic Way Presentation, in the Municipal Agriculture Office of Sto. Tomas, Batangas Receiving of certificate from Municipal Government of Sto. Tomas, Batangas Group Picture with the participants of Rehabilitating Lanzones Industry in an Organic way Seminar. Tour in Bio Agritech farm after the presentation....
Before and After RehabilitationMay 20, 2017
Does your soil have what it takes? Healthy soil is the foundation of horticultural success. In Bio-Agritechnology, we can remediate non-productive soil, we focus on giving life back to the soil. We can rehabilitate old native non-fruiting lanzones trees, mangosteen and induce fruiting off-seasons or ahead of season. Be educated!!!...
Early Elongation of Lanzones Flower BudsApril 6, 2017
After 22 years of hands on experience with countless successful trial, we have developed a system that can rehabilitate old non-fruiting native lanzones trees and other tropical fruits alike to bear fruit ahead of the season. “There are no old NATIVE lanzones trees, but mostly malnourished trees”. It is a...
Before and After TreatmentApril 6, 2017
In Bio-Agritechnology, we can re-mediate non-productive soil, we focus on giving life back to the soil. We can rehabilitate old native non-fruiting lanzones trees, including all tropical fruits and induce fruiting ahead of season. The Key is giving the correct nutrients, at the optimum amount, at the proper time. “There...
Lita Azcarate Farm: Lanzones and Soil RehabilitationApril 3, 2017
Following the implementation and strict compliance of Bio-Agritechnology’s protocol system, the Lanzones trees in Mam Lita Azcarate’s farm, induce formation of new shoots and enlargement of leaves. Another indication of consistent result in early fruiting. All our protocol are applicable to all tropical fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants. Be informed....
Villa Escudero Lanzones and Soil RehabilitationMarch 22, 2017
Bio-Agritechnology, Inc, have proven consistent results of fruiting, provided they follow strict compliance and implementation of its protocol system. Especially for old non-fruiting native lanzones trees, prevalent in Laguna, Quezon and Batangas Province. After Soil Rehabilitation, subsequently promote formation of new shoots and enlargement of leaves. Recently, elongation of flower...
Rehabilitation Consistent ResultMarch 18, 2017
Over the past years Bio-Agritechnology, Inc. took the challenge to regain the optimum soil condition that will serve as the foundation for growing healthy fruit trees. Thru the implementation and compliance with the Bio-Agritechnology methods on how we treat the soil, we were able to resuscitate barren trees. From fruit...
Villa Escudero Lanzones RehabilitationMarch 13, 2017
The Lanzones Rehabilitation for Villa Escudero began early December 2016.With proper compliance of Bio-Agritechnology protocol, rehabilitation of old non-fruiting lanzones trees can be shorten.The results after three (3) months : • Proliferation of new shoots • Enlargement of leaves • More leaves, bigger leaves • Better photosynthesis and metabolism of...